Beastland is an installation of 3D photography. I think of a beastland as an imaginary space where we can embrace our primitive, animal-like natures, and become feral. This idea came about after the birth of my second child. One feeling that kept arising during the past few years of pregnancy, giving birth, nursing, and trying to teach and tame these children, was the sensation of being beastlike—at the core very much an animal. I enjoy this feeling and want to embrace and foster it. The fake furs are a sort of uniform for the beastland, perhaps to transport one there, and a reference to our cultural notions of cavemen. Are the subjects in the images prehistoric cavemen, or has this family gone back to the land after an apocalypse? The project is presented as 3D images in viewers hung from the ceiling, and was created for the Soap Factory 4th Midwest Biennial.